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Am a young and independent lady i will want a responsible man from ages of 30 to 60, so i can settle with my husband and maybe have kids if he wants to, i like a working hard man too and Kids lover.

42 years old | United Kingdom
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I am a Woman Looking for Woman
For possible: Dating, Longer relationship, Travel partner Marital Status: Any
Height: Any Body type: Any
Eyes: Any Ethnicity: Any
Smoking: Any Drinking: Any
Living status: Alone, With family, with roomate(s), With kids Children: Yes, No, Partime
Want (more) kids: Yes, No, Maybe Education: Elementary, Some College, Associate Degrees, Bachelors Degree, Masters Degree, Doctorate, Ph.D.
Employment Status: Full-time, Part-time, Self-employed, Unemployed, Other Occupation: Any