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I enjoy spending my time outdoors. I like to hunt, fish camp and go horse riding. I am an oldfashioned guy who still believes in manners and trys to be respectful to women and has a good work ethic. I love to travel ... [more]

52 years old | Baton Rouge ,LA
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loveedith1 at 15:26, 7 jul

Hello My name is Miss edith,I saw your profile today and became interested in you,I would like to know you,and I want you to send an email to my e-mail address( so I can give you my picture for you to know who I am, thanks alot

elizabethbaby at 10:54, 4 aug

My name is Elizabeth ,i saw your profile today in the site and i decided to drop you a note just to say hi to are you doing,i will like you to contact me email( that i will send my pic,God Bless you,