HELLO!!! I just graduated college with a double degree in Photojournalism and History and landed my dream job! Everything is great except that leaving college has left me with the difficulty of meeting people outside of work. I love traveling and seeing new places, especially if it includes hiking, backpacking, camping or just plain being outside! I have been to 46 of the 50 states and actually just spent my summer in Alaska - AMAZING and can't wait to go back! Aside from being outside, I love the typical things that we all love; spending time with family and friends, listening to music and don't forget movies and TV. (But I would trade the last two for some time in the woods any day.) I have a great group of friends and a supportive family who provide me with a great foundation for being happy, but would love the addition of that special someone to my life!
elizabethbaby at 09:40, 4 aug
My name is Elizabeth ,i saw your profile today in the site and i decided to drop you a note just to say hi to you.how are you doing,i will like you to contact me email(elizabethbernard22@yahoo.com)so that i will send my pic,God Bless you,