Theminutesofmydaycollidebetweengettingmyninthgraderouthedoortoputtingoutamillionlittlefiresatworkeachday--Irunasmallnon-profitorganization. But then: the delight of s l o w i n g down. The antidote to the chaotic work week: swimming in the ocean or a big lake, hiking in the woods before/during/after a storm, singing with a friend or two under a sky full of stars. I'm up for adventures, and have had quite a few on bicycle, kayak, and cross-country skis. Relationships are a priority for me on all levels--at work, with my community, family. I love to read, write, go to plays, listen to music, and deconstruct all of the above with the person I'm with. I like to spend time with people who are game to go the mile--whether that's on a trail or in a conversation, or for their people.